Welcome to MyGene.py’s documentation!

MyGene.Info provides simple-to-use REST web services to query/retrieve gene annotation data. It’s designed with simplicity and performance emphasized. mygene, is an easy-to-use Python wrapper to access MyGene.Info services.


python >=2.6 (including python3)

requests (install using “pip install requests”)

Optional dependencies

pandas (install using “pip install pandas”) is required for returning a list of gene objects as DataFrame.


Option 1
pip install mygene
Option 2

download/extract the source code and run:

python setup.py install
Option 3

install the latest code directly from the repository:

pip install -e hg+https://bitbucket.org/newgene/mygene#egg=mygene

Version history



If input value if not a list/tuple type, return it as a single value list.


>>> x = 'abc'
>>> for xx in alwayslist(x):
...     print xx
>>> x = ['abc', 'def']
>>> for xx in alwayslist(x):
...     print xx
class mygene.MyGeneInfo(url='http://mygene.info/v2')[source]

This is the client for MyGene.info web services. Example:

>>> mg = MyGeneInfo()
findgenes(id_li, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated since version 2.0.0.

Use querymany() instead. It’s kept here as an alias of querymany() method.

Wrapper for http://mygene.info/v2/metadata/fields
search_term is a case insensitive string to search for in available field names. If not provided, all available fields will be returned.

Example: >>> mv.get_fields() >>> mv.get_fields(“uniprot”) >>> mv.get_fields(“refseq”) >>> mv.get_fields(“kegg”) .. Hint:: This is useful to find out the field names you need to pass to fields parameter of other methods.

getgene(geneid, fields='symbol, name, taxid, entrezgene', **kwargs)[source]

Return the gene object for the give geneid. This is a wrapper for GET query of “/gene/<geneid>” service.

  • geneid – entrez/ensembl gene id, entrez gene id can be either a string or integer
  • fields – fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If fields=”all”, all available fields are returned
  • species – optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids
  • email – optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage
  • filter – alias for fields parameter

a gene object as a dictionary, or None if geneid is not valid.


http://mygene.info/doc/annotation_service.html for available fields, extra kwargs and more.


>>> mg.getgene(1017, email='abc@example.com')
>>> mg.getgene('1017', fields='symbol,name,entrezgene,refseq')
>>> mg.getgene('1017', fields='symbol,name,entrezgene,refseq.rna')
>>> mg.getgene('1017', fields=['symbol', 'name', 'pathway.kegg'])
>>> mg.getgene('ENSG00000123374', fields='all')


The supported field names passed to fields parameter can be found from any full gene object (when fields=”all”). Note that field name supports dot notation for nested data structure as well, e.g. you can pass “refseq.rna” or “pathway.kegg”.

getgenes(geneids, fields='symbol, name, taxid, entrezgene', **kwargs)[source]

Return the list of gene objects for the given list of geneids. This is a wrapper for POST query of “/gene” service.

  • geneids – a list/tuple/iterable or comma-separated entrez/ensembl gene ids
  • fields – fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If fields=”all”, all available fields are returned
  • species – optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids
  • email – optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage
  • filter – alias for fields
  • as_dataframe – if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas).
  • df_index – if True (default), index returned DataFrame by ‘query’, otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True.

a list of gene objects or a pandas DataFrame object (when as_dataframe is True)


http://mygene.info/doc/annotation_service.html for available fields, extra kwargs and more.


>>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], email='abc@example.com')
>>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], fields="entrezgene,uniprot")
>>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], fields="all")
>>> mg.getgenes([1017, '1018','ENSG00000148795'], as_dataframe=True)


A large list of more than 1000 input ids will be sent to the backend web service in batches (1000 at a time), and then the results will be concatenated together. So, from the user-end, it’s exactly the same as passing a shorter list. You don’t need to worry about saturating our backend servers.


Return a dictionary of MyGene.info metadata.


>>> metadata = mg.metadata
query(q, **kwargs)[source]

Return the query result. This is a wrapper for GET query of “/query?q=<query>” service.

  • q – a query string, detailed query syntax here
  • fields – fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If fields=”all”, all available fields are returned
  • species – optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids. Default: human,mouse,rat.
  • size – the maximum number of results to return (with a cap of 1000 at the moment). Default: 10.
  • skip – the number of results to skip. Default: 0.
  • sort – Prefix with “-” for descending order, otherwise in ascending order. Default: sort by matching scores in decending order.
  • entrezonly – if True, return only matching entrez genes, otherwise, including matching Ensemble-only genes (those have no matching entrez genes).
  • email – optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage
  • as_dataframe – if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas).
  • df_index – if True (default), index returned DataFrame by ‘query’, otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True.
  • fetch_all – if True, return a generator to all query results (unsorted). This can provide a very fast return of all hits from a large query. Server requests are done in blocks of 1000 and yielded individually. Each 1000 block of results must be yielded within 1 minute, otherwise the request will expire on the server side.

a dictionary with returned gene hits or a pandas DataFrame object (when as_dataframe is True)


http://mygene.info/doc/query_service.html for available fields, extra kwargs and more.


>>> mg.query('cdk2')
>>> mg.query('reporter:1000_at')
>>> mg.query('symbol:cdk2', species='human')
>>> mg.query('symbol:cdk*', species=10090, size=5, as_dataframe=True)
>>> mg.query('q=chrX:151073054-151383976', species=9606)
querymany(qterms, scopes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return the batch query result. This is a wrapper for POST query of “/query” service.

  • qterms – a list/tuple/iterable of query terms, or a string of comma-separated query terms.
  • scopes – type of types of identifiers, either a list or a comma-separated fields to specify type of input qterms, e.g. “entrezgene”, “entrezgene,symbol”, [“ensemblgene”, “symbol”]. Refer to official MyGene.info docs for full list of fields.
  • fields – fields to return, a list or a comma-separated string. If fields=”all”, all available fields are returned
  • species – optionally, you can pass comma-separated species names or taxonomy ids. Default: human,mouse,rat.
  • entrezonly – if True, return only matching entrez genes, otherwise, including matching Ensemble-only genes (those have no matching entrez genes).
  • returnall – if True, return a dict of all related data, including dup. and missing qterms
  • verbose – if True (default), print out infomation about dup and missing qterms
  • email – optionally, pass your email to help us to track usage
  • as_dataframe – if True, return object as DataFrame (requires Pandas).
  • df_index – if True (default), index returned DataFrame by ‘query’, otherwise, index by number. Only applicable if as_dataframe=True.

a list of gene objects or a pandas DataFrame object (when as_dataframe is True)


http://mygene.info/doc/query_service.html for available fields, extra kwargs and more.


>>> mg.querymany(['DDX26B', 'CCDC83'], scopes='symbol', species=9606)
>>> mg.querymany(['1255_g_at', '1294_at', '1316_at', '1320_at'], scopes='reporter')
>>> mg.querymany(['NM_003466', 'CDK2', 695, '1320_at', 'Q08345'],
...              scopes='refseq,symbol,entrezgene,reporter,uniprot', species='human')
>>> mg.querymany(['1255_g_at', '1294_at', '1316_at', '1320_at'], scopes='reporter',
...              fields='ensembl.gene,symbol', as_dataframe=True)


querymany() is perfect for doing id mappings.


Just like getgenes(), passing a large list of ids (>1000) to querymany() is perfectly fine.

Indices and tables